Startups Consulting



The term startup refers to a company in the first stages of operations. Startups are founded by one or more entrepreneurs who want to develop a product or service for which they believe there is demand. These companies generally start with high costs and limited revenue, which is why they look for capital from a variety of sources such as venture capitalists.

Problem/Solution Fit


Problem/Solution Fit
Minimum Viable Product (MVP)


Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Product/Market Fit


Product/Market Fit
Growth Scale


Growth Scale



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Comprehensive IT services include

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    Phase 1) Find Problem/Solution Fit

    You have an idea for a product that you just can’t get out of your head. Maybe it was even born from one of your own needs. You’re off to a good start.
    At this point, ask yourself two questions: “What problem am I compelled to solve?” and “Does my proposed solution solve it effectively?” If you have a clear answer to the first question and a confident “Yes” for the second, then you’ve got problem/solution fit and a hypothesis, and it’s time to start pressure testing your idea.

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    Phase 2) Build Your MVP

    The purpose of this next step is to test your product hypothesis with the smallest possible investment of time and capital, hence, minimum viable product. In this way you are proving demand and learning about customer behavior, while minimizing risk. Once you put your MVP out into the wild, focus on getting users flowing into your product — this is where the seeds of initial startup growth are sown.

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    Phase 3) Work For Product-Market Fit

    Your MVP gained traction, you’re learning and iterating, you’ve got paying customers, they buy again and keep using your product on a regular basis, maybe they’re even telling their friends about it. These are the telltale signs of product/market fit, that ever so elusive entrepreneurial carrot.

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    Phase 4) Scale

    In the scaling phase it’s time to turn your “pings” into playbooks for growth.A key to effectively executing at this stage is to expand your growth team by hiring specialists with deep expertise in your primary channels. If SEO is a promising growth channel then bring an SEO expert in house, if you’re hitching yourself to the instrumented virality sled, then bring in a product person who’s got relevant experience, and so on.
    At some point, your favorite channels will start to hit saturation points, so it’s critical for sustainable growth, to think of your growth engine like a layer cake.
    Once you know what works, build a growth playbook for each channel. This is where you define and document the processes that drive growth in your company.

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    Phase 5) Maturity

    Your growth rate may slow down as a company matures, but at the world’s top tech companies it never stops. It’s baked into the culture and DNA.
    Top companies like Facebook, continue investing in their growth teams, but they also begin to look towards M&A, internationalization, and localization as the next frontier in growth. For example, this year LinkedIn bought as a way to expand the value they bring to their users and broaden their market.

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    Design principles

    Models behind startups presenting as ventures are usually associated with design science. Design science uses design principles considered to be a coherent set of normative ideas and propositions to design and construct the company’s backbone.For example, one of the initial design principles is “affordable loss”.

We continue to invest our efforts in building, nurturing and growing the startup ecosystem.